Those of us involved in the recruitment game often get criticised for the way we operate. Lack of communication is probably the number one gripe closely followed by misrepresenting the role we’re trying to fill.
I propose a very simple code of conduct that we should try to abide by:
- Make sure the job ad accurately portrays the role you’re trying to fill – you may need to be quite assertive with your client to achieve this
- Avoid jargon and euphemistic phrases in your job ad
- Always acknowledge receipt of an application within 24 hours
- If you interview someone make sure they have directions on how to find you
- Leave at least 30 minutes between interviews
- Provide timely feedback to both successful and unsuccessful candidates
- Prepare a brief for your client listing the short-listed candidates and your reasons for presenting them to the client
- Get useful feedback from your client as to why someone wasn’t successful
- Offer to meet unsuccessful candidates to properly debrief the process and share the feedback you got from your client
- Do at least 2 reference checks on the successful candidate but only after your client has chosen that particular person. Reference checks should never be used as a way to differentiate between candidates
- Follow up regularly with your client and the successful candidate once they have started their new role
- Keep in touch with any unsuccessful candidates you particularly liked – you may be able to place them next time.